I used the neilmed sinus rinse bottle and I have had burning and my face has been flushed every since I used it. It has been about 6 hours and it feel

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Dec 31, 2018 11:52 PM 1 Answers Nose Bleed or Dry Nose
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I used the neilmed sinus rinse bottle and I have had burning and my face has been flushed every since I used it. It has been about 6 hours and it feels like my throat is irritated. I did not put a packet in the bottle since I thought it was premixed. Is there anything I can do for the discomfort?

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

If you used the NeilMed SinuFlo Ready Rinse, with the solution already in the bottle when you purchased it, and brought it to a lukewarm temperature, this solution should not burn. Water that is too cold or hot can burn. If you used plain water without adding a packet of saline mixture, that can sting and burn.

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