Severe burning using bottle rinse

Erin Kelley
Erin Kelley
Dec 28, 2023 10:49 AM 1 Answers Burning, Pain or Discomfort
Member Since Dec 2023
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I’ve used the bottle with your packets and distilled water for years. It’s been the answer to the majority of my headaches and a lifesaver such that I proselytize the benefits of sinus irrigating to everyone. About three months ago, I started experiencing severe burning in my nasal passages when irrigating and have tried a couple of times since then and it’s still too painful, I did use a new bottle recently, and about a month and a half prior to the burning, I had COVID. Why has it suddenly changed? Will I ever be able to irrigate again? I really miss having headache relief without taking pain medication 🙁

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Erin Kelley
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1 Answers
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Ask A Doctor
Dec 28, 2023

Dear Erin,

I cannot explain it easily. Please try another brand new kit and see if you still feel the same. If it is the same then it may be due to some persistent inflammation and usually it goes away. I doubt that it would prevent you from using on a permanent basis.

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