For severe allergies I use your nasal rinse bottle daily. I also need to microwave disinfect the bottle daily because of immune deficient problems. If
For severe allergies I use your nasal rinse bottle daily. I also need to microwave disinfect the bottle daily because of immune deficient problems. If using the large tip on your All-In-One product - will it work almost like a nasal rinse bottle? Im looking for a means to rinse sinuses daily without needing to disinfect while travelling when microwaves may not be available. A filled - pressurized disposable product would be perfect. Thanks.

Nasamist all in one is a perfect solution for your condition. If you need to buy large quantities, please buy it at Walgreens and send the receipts and UPC codes to attention of andrea and she will give you a good discount. We would like to help you due to an uncommon medical condition. You can also speak to her in advance.