I will be traveling to China for 14 days and I was wondering if you had a traveling premixed bottle system – including the water? I really dont think

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Dec 31, 2018 11:55 PM 1 Answers Purchase & Availability
Member Since Feb 2020
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I will be traveling to China for 14 days and I was wondering if you had a traveling premixed bottle system - including the water? I really dont think I will be finding distilled water in the countries we will be visiting and I need to rinse twice a day. Im afraid of taking distilled water from here due to the possibilities of the water bottle leaking in our luggage. We will be visiting 3 different countries via airline - Youre help and suggestions would be greatly appreciative.Thank youSuzanna Aguirre

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

We have two products that may work for you. Our SinuFlo Ready Rinse comes with premixed solution in our Sinus Rinse bottle that is ready to use, and for a one time use only. We also have our NasaMist All in One which comes with a specially designed tip that provides a large volume low pressure irrigation. The can contains a sterile saline solution, including two additional tips for saline spray.

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