I just wanted to know something. I just purchased the Neil med sinus rinse I know to only use it three times a day. Can you please tell me how long

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Dec 31, 2018 11:54 PM 1 Answers Bad Breath/Halitosis
Member Since Feb 2020
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I just wanted to know something. I just purchased the Neil med sinus rinse I know to only use it three times a day. Can you please tell me how long per uses in hours for example in the morning - afternoon and evening. This is my first time using it. Thanks

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Jan 01, 2019

Dear Jonathan,Thank you for your question. You can start out by doing NeilMed Sinus Rinse once every morning. If you have a lot of allergies or congestion, you can also do again in the evening. We recommend doing Sinus Rinse at least one hour before bed because it is possible to for some residual solution to drip into the throat, and this would be uncomfortable while sleeping.

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