I have been using the sinus rinse every day for a few months & have loved it. For the past week – my ears have been clogged. Dr says clogged eustacian

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Jan 01, 2019 12:30 AM 1 Answers General Questions
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I have been using the sinus rinse every day for a few months & have loved it. For the past week - my ears have been clogged. Dr says clogged eustacian tubes & put me on claratin. Still not better. Is it safe to use the netipot for clogged ears? I know it says not to use the nasal rinse. Or should I not use anything until this clears. Concerned that

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Jan 01, 2019

The best is to wait it out for few days. It should clear up. Neti Pot cannot help clogged ears like it can help remove the nasal mucus. Inflammation has to reduce to make the ear clogging improve. You can try oral decongestants without antihistamines and there are quite a few available. Ear clogging for a short duration is common and related tovarious nasal and sinus conditions and should clear up.

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