I am prone to getting Sinus Infections. Before and after a sinus infection I notice I have quite a bit of flem and sinus pressur I would like to know

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Dec 31, 2018 11:57 PM 1 Answers Nasal Irrigation
Member Since Feb 2020
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I am prone to getting Sinus Infections. Before and after a sinus infection I notice I have quite a bit of flem and sinus pressur I would like to know if I use your products will it help prevent Sinus Infections. If so how often should I use it and what product or products would you recommend? Thanks

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

By washing away excess mucusas well as allergens, pollutants and bacterianasal irrigation reduces inflammation and relieves congestion, runny nose and post-nasal drip. Studies have found that, when used consistently, sinus rinsing provides long=term symptomatic relief, reduces infection and decreases the need for prescription medications. Published medical research shows that the large volume, low pressure bottle system is the most effective delivery system available for nasal irrigation. I therefore recommend our Sinus Rinse bottle kit over the neti pot.

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