I accidently purchased the extra strength hypertonic packets as opposed to the pediatric packets. To prevent burning in my 8 year olds nostrils – can

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Dec 31, 2018 11:55 PM 1 Answers NeilMed Products
Member Since Feb 2020
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I accidently purchased the extra strength hypertonic packets as opposed to the pediatric packets. To prevent burning in my 8 year olds nostrils - can I use 1 2 of the packet and the same amount of water? Or should I not attempt to use this at all?

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Jan 01, 2019

Dear Brandi,To make an isotonic solution, you can mix one hypertonic packet with 16oz. of distilled water. You can then take this solution and put 4oz. into your son's pediatric bottle. This will be an isotonic solution to prevent any burning. However, you will have to throw out the remaining solution because there are no preservatives to prevent contamination. Using half of the packet will not be a good idea because you will not guarantee to get a perfect half of each ingredient, and without this balance, your son may experience burning.

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