Hi – I just started rinsing with the neti pot and now have a cold. Can I still rinse with a cold or should I wait until it goes away?

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Dec 31, 2018 11:57 PM 1 Answers Nasal Irrigation
Member Since Feb 2020
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Hi - I just started rinsing with the neti pot and now have a cold. Can I still rinse with a cold or should I wait until it goes away?

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Jan 01, 2019

As long as you have some air flowing through your nasal passages, you can still do a sinus rinse. It will flush away excess mucus and irritants and thus reduce inflammation of the mucus membranes. Normal mucosa (the mucus membrane) will fight infections and allergies better and reduce your cold symptoms. Please do not rinse if one of your nasal passages is completely blocked as this may produce pressure in your eardrums and cause some retention of the saline solution in your nasal passages or sinuses.

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