Dr. Mehta – My fiance uses the Sinus Rinse- Isotonic on a daily basis. I decided to try it myself; I have some congestion on occasion – but noticed w

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Dec 31, 2018 11:55 PM 1 Answers Nasal Congestion
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Dr. Mehta - My fiance uses the Sinus Rinse- Isotonic on a daily basis. I decided to try it myself; I have some congestion on occasion - but noticed when I used the rinse that it made me feel like I had cold like symptoms on both occasions. Is that normal? Thank you.

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Jan 01, 2019

This does happen to some people due to reflex congestion from salineexposure. This condition should be transient. If symptoms continue, youmay consider using a hypertonic solution. By adding two of the regularblue mixture packets, you will make a double strength (hypertonic)solution. An alternate solution is to use an over the counter decongestantfor a day or two. However, this is a benign, mild condition that shouldresolve on its own with time, and unless severely symptomatic, there is noneed to discontinue ongoing irrigation.

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