As per doctors order only use 120mls for a child 2 times a day. Mix 240mls & 1 packet (in separate container) – use 120mls in the evening & put the re

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Dec 31, 2018 11:55 PM 1 Answers Headache, Hypertension, Blood Pressure, Heart Disease
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As per doctors order only use 120mls for a child 2 times a day. Mix 240mls & 1 packet (in separate container) - use 120mls in the evening & put the rest in covered container in the refridge. How long can it be stored in the refridge and still be used?

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Jan 01, 2019

Per our brochure, (distilled, filtered [through 0.2 micron], or previously boiled) water can be stored in an airtight container for up to 7 days in the refrigerator. However, we recommend discarding any extra solution, though I do understand you are using a separate container for preparation. You would benefit from our Pediatric Sinus Rinse, which is a 4oz bottle and comes with packets that are made to be mixed with only 4 oz. of water. These can be ordered through our company directly at or 1-877-477-8633 for a telephone order. Select online retailers also sell these items.

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