Yesterday i used the rinser without saline (usually use with saline). It created strong pains in my nose & referred pain to my neck. I kept going & af

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Jan 01, 2019 12:03 AM 1 Answers Dizziness
Member Since Feb 2020
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Yesterday i used the rinser without saline (usually use with saline). It created strong pains in my nose & referred pain to my neck. I kept going & afterwards felt better than i felt in weeks - higher energy & no headaches. Why does it hurt without the saline - & why does it seem to help me more? Thx

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Jan 01, 2019

Your body fluids contain salt. The saline solution is pH balanced to duplicate the pH of the fluids in your nasal passages. Because of this it does not burn or sting. Plain water is not pH balanced, which is why it will burn. There is no clinical reason why plain water should make you feel better. In fact, it has the potential to enter the tissue lining your nasal passages and cause more swelling.

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