While I was using this product it was draining out of my mouth too – is that normal? Aso – after using it now my right side is clogged. Should I finis
While I was using this product it was draining out of my mouth too - is that normal? Aso - after using it now my right side is clogged. Should I finish the whole bottle or dump it?

It is normal for some solution to drain from your mouth, especially if your head is not leaning forward. It may take some experimenting to find the most comfortable position for you. Some people do experience reflex congestion when first exposed to saline. This condition is transient and should resolve itself on its own. As long as your nasal passages are only partially blocked, you can continue with the sinus rinsing. If your nasal passage is completely blocked, please discontinue the rinsing until it clears to avoid ear problems. You can use an over the counter decongestant for a day or two if necessary. When you rinse, you should be using the entire 8 ounces of solution in the squeeze bottle. Use 4 ounces in one nasal passage and 4 ounces in the other.