When I use the nedi pot – the water does not come out the other nostril. Am I doing something wrong?? I have had sinus surgery and have had sinus pr

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Jan 01, 2019 12:14 AM 1 Answers Ear & Eye Symptoms and Nasal Rinse
Member Since Feb 2020
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When I use the nedi pot - the water does not come out the other nostril. Am I doing something wrong?? I have had sinus surgery and have had sinus problems all my life. I am 61. I have tried both nostrils - but there is no exchange of fluids?? Any suggestions??

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Please switch over to our NeilMed Sinus rinse Squeeze bottle system available nationwide. Please make sure to follow all the steps written on the direction page.

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