When I tried the green packs of salt?? I find that it burns. I usually use the larger bottle and put two packs of the blue with filtered water and war

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Jan 01, 2019 12:25 AM 1 Answers Electrical Pulsating Irrigator
Member Since Feb 2020
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When I tried the green packs of salt?? I find that it burns. I usually use the larger bottle and put two packs of the blue with filtered water and warm it up and I experience no burning. I read about the green pack but I am still not sure when why to use and how to stop the burn.

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Jan 01, 2019

Our green packets are hypertonic, meaning they are twice as concentrated as our isotonic solution. Some physicians do recommend hypertonic solutions in certain cases. They believe that a higher concentrated solution will draw the fluid and mucus out of congested nasal and maybe sinus openings. If you prefer higher salinity or hypertonic solution, you may use 1 hypertonic packet in 8oz of (distilled, filtered [through 0.2 micron], or previously boiled) water. The hypertonic solution may cause some burning and stinging because it is a higher concentration.

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