When I travel – it is almost impossibe to carry distiled water with me for my sinus rinse. I have used On the Go before and am wanting to know if it

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Dec 31, 2018 11:55 PM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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When I travel - it is almost impossibe to carry distiled water with me for my sinus rinse. I have used On the Go before and am wanting to know if it is OK for adults? Also - how long is the shelf-life? For adults - what is the recommended dose per rinse session? I can not find this product in my area. I live in Columbus - OH.I want to order from you - thank you

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Jan 01, 2019

It is a great idea to use Saline On the Go while traveling. We recommend to use up to 6 times per day. Since you are trying to replace a Sinus Rinse, I recommend using one vial per nostril per rinse session because each vial is a very small volume (15 mL) compared to nasal irrigation. The shelf life is 3 years and the product should be stored in a cool and dry place. To order the product, you can visit our webstore through www.neilmed.com or call our customer service at 1-877-477-8633 to place a telephone order.

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