When I get under the least amount of stress – it seems my sinuses start flowing heavily and it causes my eyes to water and the drainage triggers my as

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Jan 01, 2019 12:20 AM 1 Answers Ear Care
Member Since Feb 2020
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When I get under the least amount of stress - it seems my sinuses start flowing heavily and it causes my eyes to water and the drainage triggers my asthma? Why does this occur?

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Jan 01, 2019

This phenomena is not well described in standard texts but reflects a belief that stress and emotional states play a role in the regulation of allergic and inflammatory disorders, via mechanisms that are currently poorly described. While it is impossible to completely eliminate stress, several methods can ease this and help improve symptoms. Additionally, while medications for nasal and sinuses will not alleviate stress, they will serve to make the nasa and sinus l passages less sensitive to emotional- and stress-related triggers and will help improve symptoms. Best I can do but all true. Hope this helps!

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