When I clean my Neti Pot with tap water and soap and then let dry on the Neti Pot Drying Station – I find that when its time for its next use – there

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Jan 01, 2019 12:00 AM 1 Answers Post Nasal Drip
Member Since Feb 2020
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When I clean my Neti Pot with tap water and soap and then let dry on the Neti Pot Drying Station - I find that when its time for its next use - there are usually bits of tap water remaining in the hard-to-reach crevices of the pot - like in the handle and spout. How do I effectively get rid of that tap water?

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Jan 01, 2019

Please use distilled or previously boiled water for disinfecting your device. As to drying, air-drying should be sufficient after proper cleaning and disinfecting protocol, but if you prefer you may place the Neti Pot in the microwave in increments of 5-10 seconds to evaporate the rest of the water.

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