When cleaning out the Neilmed Sinus Rinse bottle – it says to use running water to rinse it – then fill with distilled water and the couple drops of l

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Jan 01, 2019 12:15 AM 1 Answers Sinus, Chronic Sinusitis, Chronic Rhinosinusitis or CRS
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When cleaning out the Neilmed Sinus Rinse bottle - it says to use running water to rinse it - then fill with distilled water and the couple drops of liquid dish soap etc - then to rinse it afterwards. Is it ok to rinse with running tap water or do I need to use distilled (or previously boiled & cooled) water for this as well? Want to be totally safe!

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Please use distilled, filtered (through 0.2 micron), or previously boiled water for cleaning as well. Please visit the link below for more instructions.https://www.neilmed.com/usa/disinfection-protocol/

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