What prompted you to market a product with oxymetalozone to the general public. I feel that this is contrary to the goal of the products to provide n

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Jan 01, 2019 12:25 AM 1 Answers Sinus, Chronic Sinusitis, Chronic Rhinosinusitis or CRS
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What prompted you to market a product with oxymetalozone to the general public. I feel that this is contrary to the goal of the products to provide non-medication and extremely safe product.

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Jan 01, 2019

Dear Zetoony,You are absolutely correct. We did it as there is still a need for a very short term use of decongestants for acute conditions, nasal bleeds, prior to skull base surgeries, prior to nasal surgeries, polyps, etc. Honestly, we are contemplating about it due to feedbacks like yours.

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