What is the difference between the Nasadock and the Nasadock Plus? Im a little confused. Arent these essentially the same? Also – after using the r

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Jan 01, 2019 12:10 AM 1 Answers Surgery on Sinuses and Nasal Passages
Member Since Feb 2020
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What is the difference between the Nasadock and the Nasadock Plus? Im a little confused. Arent these essentially the same? Also - after using the rinse procedure my nose drips water. Is this normal? Should I discuss this with my doctor?

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Both questions are well addressed in the electronic brochure. The first one in the picture format towards the end of the brochure and the second one in section of directions of how to use.To download brochure, visit http://www.neilmed.com/pdf/brochure/brochure_usa.pdf

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