What is the difference between the Isotonic – and the Hypertonic solution? I have chronic sinusitis – and reoccurring sinus infections. Would one solu

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Dec 31, 2018 11:57 PM 1 Answers Pregnancy & Nasal Rinse
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What is the difference between the Isotonic - and the Hypertonic solution? I have chronic sinusitis - and reoccurring sinus infections. Would one solution benefit me - more than the other? Thank you.

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Jan 01, 2019

A hypertonic solution is double or triple the concentration of the Isotonic solution. Some physicians do recommend the hypertonic solution in certain cases because they believe it will draw the fluid and mucus out of congested nasal and sinus openings more effectively. It is recommended that you use this a hypertonic solution only under the advice of your physician or by using careful judgment. If you experience any intolerable burning or stinging, please discontinue the use of the hypertonic solution. We feel that, apart from transient mild burning, the hypertonic solution will not cause any permanent damage when used a few times, as needed. With time, you will be able to judge what concentration of saline works best for you.

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