What are the specific dangers and parameters for using a hyper tonic solution?

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Dec 31, 2018 11:58 PM 1 Answers Burning, Pain or Discomfort
Member Since Feb 2020
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What are the specific dangers and parameters for using a hyper tonic solution? I have used the products for years and like them. I have found that the hypertonic solution (2 blue packs per 8oz) seems to help a litte more. For the most part there are no warnings about using this concentration. However - on one page you do say it can damage ciliary movement if used more than a few days. I had never used it more than 3 days in a row and after reading this I have now reduced that to every third or forth day.

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Jan 01, 2019

Please call me and I can talk to you. It is not an easy answer and most of the products whcih are not Neilmed are routinely hypertonic. Also, our hypertonic is not as concentrated. It is 1.8% vs 3% in the study.

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