what are the differences between the sinus rinse and the netipot? i get sinus infections often and use the rinse but i am wondering if the pot may be
what are the differences between the sinus rinse and the netipot? i get sinus infections often and use the rinse but i am wondering if the pot may be a better match. is there any difference at all?

The most effective system, according to current medical literature, is a squeeze bottle designed to deliver a large volume of saline solution with low positive pressure. Adequate pressure is required to displace the mucus, pollen and allergens from the nasal passages. The neti pot operates on the principle of gravity and provides some nasal irrigation benefits. But gravity alone cannot create sufficient pressure to wash away all the undesirable mucus and nasal irritants. While using a neti pot may provide immediate symptomatic relief, long-term relief is unlikely because most of the mucus and associated pathogens remain in place.