Used Sinugator for the first time today – No problem with right naris – but when irrigating the left – I felt sudden pressure and moderate pain in l

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Dec 31, 2018 11:59 PM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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Used Sinugator for the first time today - No problem with right naris - but when irrigating the left - I felt sudden pressure and moderate pain in left ear. I am quite sure some of the solution went into the left middle ear. Will this eventually be absorbed? Any potential problems with this? Do I need to attempt to do anything about this?

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Jan 01, 2019

It is very important to keep the mouth open during any nasal irrigation as the air has to vent out. Your problem will be over in few minutes to a day. It is just a saline and is physiologic. Anytime, if you feel pain, you need to take the irrigation device off the nose instantly. Otheralternative is to try several of NeilMed sprays or a NeilMed NasaFlo NetiPot.

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