Thru the use of the saline wash – I found a growth in my nose(quite rare)( also have allergic rhinitis chronic sinuitis) I had it removed and I am ver

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Jan 01, 2019 12:30 AM 1 Answers Babies & Kids
Member Since Feb 2020
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Thru the use of the saline wash - I found a growth in my nose(quite rare)( also have allergic rhinitis chronic sinuitis) I had it removed and I am very much improved. However - I cannot seem to get all of the solution out of the bottle. There is always at least 1 inch left.Why?

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Jan 01, 2019

You may be tilting the bottle so that the straw inside does not make contact with the last inch of solution. Generally, as you squeeze the bottle, the straw makes contact with the bottom of the bottle. Near the end of the rinse, the last bit of solution pools in the edge of the bottle. Keep the bottle upright while you are tilting your head over and see if that helps.

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