There are 2 different shaape of pre-mixed packets. One is rectangular narrow and the other is square. Which one is newer? Will they be the same? In ot
There are 2 different shaape of pre-mixed packets. One is rectangular narrow and the other is square. Which one is newer? Will they be the same? In other words - if the narrow are new will retailers have it after old stock runs out? How can I make sure to get the narrow packet? I have a box that shows the square picture but has the narrow package inside. I have one with the narrow packet on the package but has the square inside. The narrow are easy to use with the bottle. Please advise.Thanks -Karin

Dear Karin,Thank you for your question. We are currently transitioning the narrow packets. However, it does take a while for the retailers to sell through all the inventory. Once that happens, you will be guaranteed to get the narrow packets. You can also call our customer service team at 1-877-477-8633 and request the narrow packets.