There appears to be an epedemic in plymouth (UK) of loss of smell following a nasty viral infection that was around in may. Me and my husband are now
There appears to be an epedemic in plymouth (UK) of loss of smell following a nasty viral infection that was around in may. Me and my husband are now in our 8th week of it - both my parents have it and several other people I know locally. It does not feel like blocked sinuses - we can all breath clearly through our noses and have no sinus pain - but the problem seems to be in the area at the top of the back of the mouth where the adenoids are located. I have now run out of things to try - having used a neti pot twice a day - steam inhalation - castor oil packing - and a homeopathic spray called sinusoothe. I know there is no possibility of seeing an ENT for several months as the NHS think it trivial. My parents both took prescribed antibiotics against my advice - and of course it did not work. Apart from the challenge of eating - I have real concerns about safety as neither of us can smell. Will your product help us?

I suggest that you do rinse with NeilMed Sinus Rinse squeeze bottle twice a day instead of the NetiPot. For the first tow days, try 1 1/2 packet instead of 1 blue packet per 8 oz. You can use corticosteroid sprays but no other sprays. Here is one trick and see if it would help you. You do the irrigation by taking a little odd position. I will see if I can give you a photo of that. In our photos we show bending at the waist at right angle. Here, we suggest that you stay away from the sink, if you are physically fit, bend as much as you can and try the irrigation and see if it helps to wash out some non reachable areas.