the water went into my ears while rinsing with neilmed bottle. i have a sever pain and pressure in my ears now.what is the treatment for this pain?sho

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Jan 01, 2019 12:13 AM 1 Answers Solution does not drain from the other side
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the water went into my ears while rinsing with neilmed bottle. i have a sever pain and pressure in my ears now.what is the treatment for this pain?should i see an specialist for this?

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

It is likely that you used too much pressure or blew your nose too hard after rinsing. From all the experiences we have gathered, it will get better on its own. When you start rinsing again, please make sure not too blow your nose too hard and follow the instructions we provide in the brochure and on our website carefully. If the problem persists, please do contact your physician.

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