The Black ink wording thats printed on the bottle comes off in little fragments after the bottle has been washed a few times. Would it not be better N

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Jan 01, 2019 12:26 AM 1 Answers Electrical Pulsating Irrigator
Member Since Feb 2020
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The Black ink wording thats printed on the bottle comes off in little fragments after the bottle has been washed a few times. Would it not be better NOT to print directly on the bottle and have instead a printed label that could be peeled off or perhaps a different labeling system could be used like a white square with the words printed on it that would be more permanent. I have been using your products for years and it;s only recently that this has started to happen. Did you perhaps change suppliers ? This is the only complaint I have for your fine product. Thank you - Larry

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Jan 01, 2019

Dear Larry,We apologize for the inconvenience. If you call customer service at 877-477-8633, we would be happy to replace the bottle for you.

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