So I have tried Sinus rinse…right nasal drained out left good…when I did the left only a couple drops came out of r side and I used 1 2 bottle sol

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Jan 01, 2019 12:08 AM 1 Answers Adverse Effects
Member Since Feb 2020
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So I have tried Sinus rinse...right nasal drained out left good...when I did the left only a couple drops came out of r side and I used 1 2 bottle solution why would that not have drained out r nasal passage?

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Jan 01, 2019

If you are tilting your head forward when you perform the rinse, without turning your head to the side (as you would do with the neti pot), it is possible that you have a partially blocked nasal passage. Or, if you had a sinus surgery, saline can pool in the sinus cavities and not drain out until up to a few hours later. If the solution did not drain out at all but pooled in your sinuses, you can help empty it out by leaning over and turning your head slowly back and forth several times. We recommend you do not rinse if either nasal passage is blocked in order to avoid putting pressure on your eardrums.

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