Sir – I have a diviated septum and some rubber gadit was placed in my sinus to keep the hole small but I still experience blockage and discomfort but

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Dec 31, 2018 11:59 PM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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Sir - I have a diviated septum and some rubber gadit was placed in my sinus to keep the hole small but I still experience blockage and discomfort but my son(7) and daughter(6) are starting to experience sinus problems alway sniffing up and I tell them to ot do this but their sinus really do bother them so my question is the pot good for all of us or the sinus med or both what do you suggest we do for our indivual situations

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

I suggest that both of them you try NeilMed Pediatric Kit. Request your pharmacist to obtain this through Amerisource, Cardinal, or McKesson. If they can not provide, please order through our website or any online companies.

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