Should my cleaning method change?Used for years.Never microwaved.I use tap water and soap in bottle;detergent on a pipe cleaner to clean cap stem (per

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Jan 01, 2019 12:27 AM 1 Answers General Questions
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Should my cleaning method change?Used for years.Never microwaved.I use tap water and soap in bottle;detergent on a pipe cleaner to clean cap stem (per conversation w customer service).To rinse I use a little distilled white vinegar + water.I see conflicting info about alcohol -70% or 99%?Will a microwaved bottle be unsterile when stored on stand?

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Your cleaning method is good. The microwave protocol is used to sterilize the device, and this protocol has been published in medical literature. Once you begin touching the device, it will no longer be sterilie, but by cleaning and sterilizing the device often, you reduce the chance of any kind of contamination.

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