Re : What precaution shall I take before and after Sinse Rinse saline nasal wash. 1 what is the time duration before & after can i take water Foo

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Jan 01, 2019 12:00 AM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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Re : What precaution shall I take before and after Sinse Rinse saline nasal wash. 1 what is the time duration before & after can i take water Food 2.Minimum how many time to do nasal wash3.After each wash how to clean the bottle4.What time gap between saline nasal wash and taking anti allergy spray Nasohex.What time gap take bath(shower)

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Jan 01, 2019

To answer your questions in the order you wrote:1. No limit for the food2.Once a day will be minimum during the symptoms and during symptom free state, use it as needed.3.There are several areas on the website where we mention about the bottle cleaning.410 to 30 minutes post irrigation is a good time to do medicine sprays.5.No restrictions for the shower.

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