Our allergy specialist recommended my 6 year old son to use Pediatric Sinus Rinse. Can he use the NasaMist instead as he doesnt like the rinse? We had
Our allergy specialist recommended my 6 year old son to use Pediatric Sinus Rinse. Can he use the NasaMist instead as he doesnt like the rinse? We had the NasaMist???? Gentle Mist. Does the mist and the rinse works the same for allergies purposes?

He can use the NasaMist if he will not do the Sinus Rinse. The Nasamist will not be as effective as the Sinus Rinse because it is only a spray and not a complete nasal wash like the sinus rinse is. However, some saline spray will be better than no treatment at all. If you can get your son to do the pediatric Sinus Rinse, that would be the best treatment, but if not please use the NasaMist Saline Spray. Another option your son may like is our Sinugator, which is a battery operated nasal wash device which perhaps may be more fun to him.