My viral infection is thick and your nasal rinse is helping sooth and progress me back to health. My question is for two friends who have asthma. What
My viral infection is thick and your nasal rinse is helping sooth and progress me back to health. My question is for two friends who have asthma. What research has been done regarding asthma and your products and is there a helpful result if the nasal rinse is used by asthma sufferers? if so - how does that impact happen (sinuses - membrane - etc.).

There is a united airway disease theory. Upper and lower airways are connected. If you take care of the upper airway inflammation, lower airways will improve at the same time in several cases. There are few good quality publications on this. In Asthma, there is an inflammation ofthe airways. Anyone with Asthma, should take a very good care of the upper airwayproblems. Please give a try and see what happens.