My upper (frontal) sinuses are chronically blocked. The power spray does not seem to reach them. Is there a better way to hold head or other method –

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Jan 01, 2019 12:05 AM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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My upper (frontal) sinuses are chronically blocked. The power spray does not seem to reach them. Is there a better way to hold head or other method - while rinsing to force liquid to reach that area. Any suggestions appreciated.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Large Volume Low Pressure (LVLP) rinses are meant to reach some of the sinuses, but not all. The device works by the principles of improving nasal hygiene and reducing the inflammation. As this process takes place, sinus ostia or openings which open in the nasal cavity stay clean and sinuses drain better. When sinuses drain better, inflammation reduce and symptoms improve. If one had a surgery on the sinus, solution enters sinus cavity much better, if one did not have sinus surgery, it still penetrates but not as much. Also, different patients and under different medical conditions will have a different outcome.

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