my son is 8years. he gets sinus in which his nose is blocked gets headaches and sometimes gets a terrible cough…which product of yours should he use

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Jan 01, 2019 12:22 AM 1 Answers Post Nasal Drip
Member Since Feb 2020
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my son is 8years. he gets sinus in which his nose is blocked gets headaches and sometimes gets a terrible cough...which product of yours should he use?

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Your son should use the Sinus Rinse Squeeze Bottle Kit. This can be purchased in a pediatric kit or a regular adult kit. If your son feels comfortable, he should be fine using the adult kit. Please be sure to read the instructions thoroughly before beginning. If you would like to purchase the pediatric kit, I suggest you purchase on our webstore or another online retailer as it is not widely available in stores.

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