My problem is that I only can hear out of my left ear. When my eustachian tube clogs during a cold my level of hearing decreases to almost deafness.

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Jan 01, 2019 12:20 AM 1 Answers Nose Bleed or Dry Nose
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My problem is that I only can hear out of my left ear. When my eustachian tube clogs during a cold my level of hearing decreases to almost deafness. I just used your Sinugator for the first time. Instead of dividing the solution 50 50 for each nostril I ended up using most of it on the first nostril. At that point I decided to finish all the solution in the first nostril then refill and run all 8 oz through the other nostril. I assume that this does not harm and if anyhing can be considered overkill. Anyway - my initial impression is that my tube feels less clogged. I will try it again in a few hours. In the meantime do you have any suggestions on what I can do to help equalize my eustachina tube? thanks for any help you can give me.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

It is possible that you have eustachian tube that is collapsing and the use of sinugator may have built some pressure and opened up the tube and equalized the pressure. I suggest that you see an ENT specialist and if needed ENT doctor may refer you to just an ear specialist. Please make sure to follow up on all the directions of usage of our products.

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