My kids ages 11 and 7 have been using the Netipot for about a month now twice a day. They are off all meds- Singular – Nasonex – Allegra and Asamanex.
My kids ages 11 and 7 have been using the Netipot for about a month now twice a day. They are off all meds- Singular - Nasonex - Allegra and Asamanex. I credit the Netipot. Someone told me that I sould not use the product that much or for that long. I am confused on what is true. Thank you. Amy

We believe that regular sinus rinsing is both safe and effective in treating allergy and sinus conditions. While sinus rinsing wont eliminate colds, sinus infections and allergies altogether, research has proven that it will reduce their frequency and the duration and intensity of their symptoms. NeilMed has systematically collected feedback from thousands of physicians and customers over the past decade; and this data supports the published conclusions that positive effects of nasal irrigation as a preventive therapy outweigh any negatives. If you are worried about your children using the sinus rinse too frequently, please talk with your physician who can advise the best treatment plan for them. Also, make sure that you follow our cleaning instructions carefully to ensure that you get no mold or bacteria build-up in the neti pots. We suggest replacing the neti pot or squeeze bottle every three months.