My husband and I embarked on sinus rinse together. He was successful in using – but i was not.I did everything the same as he. We have squeeze bottle

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Jan 01, 2019 12:15 AM 1 Answers Purchase & Availability
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My husband and I embarked on sinus rinse together. He was successful in using - but i was not. I did everything the same as he. We have squeeze bottle method. I felt only pressure - burning and nothing came out the other side - could I have a deformity blocking? I have terrible sinusitis and was hoping this item would work to relieve the symptoms.

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Jan 01, 2019

Different response may be related to difference in the immunity, anatomy of the nasal passages and various other factors. If the infection is persistent and if your primary doctor feels that you need to be seen by an ENT specialist, please do so. If this is a first infection after a very long time, you need not worry about the anatomic deformity to begin with.

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