My husband and I both use the Sinus Rinse. When he uses it – pretty much everything comes out of his mouth instead of the other nostril – the majority

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Jan 01, 2019 12:30 AM 1 Answers Babies & Kids
Member Since Feb 2020
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My husband and I both use the Sinus Rinse. When he uses it - pretty much everything comes out of his mouth instead of the other nostril - the majority of the time. Is this ok? Is there some sort of blockage or something we need to check into? Thanks 🙂

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Jan 01, 2019

The reason that most of the solution is coming out of the mouth instead of the other nostril is from tilting the head backwards. Please take the position of the head and body as shown in the photographs and as shown on the video which is published on our web site. Once you have reviewed this and followed the procedure, there is no reason why the solution should come out of the mouth. If one were to remove the tube from the bottle and tilt the head and squeeze the solution up the nose, the solution is going to come out of the mouth.

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