My fiance and I used this the other day. I followed the instructions to the letter on how to mix solution and us (since this was our first time). I fe

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Jan 01, 2019 12:00 AM 1 Answers NeilMed Products
Member Since Feb 2020
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My fiance and I used this the other day. I followed the instructions to the letter on how to mix solution and us (since this was our first time). I felt fine after - my fiance on the other hand had severe burning sensation he had to stop. Also after he has felt very nauseous. What could have caused this?

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Jan 01, 2019

There is nothing in the product that could cause this. The ingredients are only sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate. However, if you forget to put the packet into the bottle or do not mix/shake thoroughly, you will definitely experience burning as this is like rinsing with plain water.

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