My doctor wants me to start using sinus rinses again. I have in the past on a daily basis and quit due to the excess fluid that will all of a sudden c

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Jan 01, 2019 12:04 AM 1 Answers NeilMed Products
Member Since Feb 2020
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My doctor wants me to start using sinus rinses again. I have in the past on a daily basis and quit due to the excess fluid that will all of a sudden come running out of my nose. I have already tried tipping my head back and forth and gently blowing my nose to prevent this but it does not help and is rather embarrassing when it happens. Help

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Jan 01, 2019

Use it only at home in the evening. Once you you use it regularly, solution will drain out better as the inflammation will be lesser and this problem should be minimal. You do have a very valid concern.

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