My daughter has severe allergies and her nose is blocked most of the time. I tried the neti pot with her and the water would not flow at all…now wha

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Jan 01, 2019 12:03 AM 1 Answers Nasal Congestion
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My daughter has severe allergies and her nose is blocked most of the time. I tried the neti pot with her and the water would not flow at what do I do? It worked great with my son and myself!

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

You should never rinse if you have a fully blocked nasal passage. If your daughter has some air passing through her nasal passages, she should be able to rinse. Try using the Pediatric Sinus Rinse squeeze bottle, which uses low pressure to deliver the solution up and over the septum and out through the other nasal passage. It is much easier to use and has been proven more effective in medical trials. The Pediatric bottle holds 4 ounces of solution, which is sufficient for children. If this still does not work please consult with her doctor about using a nasal decongestant spray before rinsing to open up the passages.

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