Is vapor distilled water ok to use for the nasal rinse? Walmart sells Glaceau Smartwater that is vapor distilled and ingredients are Vapor Distilled

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Jan 01, 2019 12:15 AM 1 Answers Water Quality and Warnings
Member Since Feb 2020
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Is vapor distilled water ok to use for the nasal rinse? Walmart sells Glaceau Smartwater that is vapor distilled and ingredients are Vapor Distilled Water - Calcium Chloride - Magnesium Chloride - Potassium Bicarbonate. The water comes in a 6-pack of 8-oz bottles. This makes more sense than having a whole gallon that you must use within 3 days of opening. Your reply would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answers
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Ask A Doctor
Jan 01, 2019

I am not aware of these facts but I do not see any contraindication. Let me know how it works.

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