Is it unpleasant to take neilmed? Will it taste horrible in your mouth and feel strange in your sinus? Is it best not to take after meals?
Is it unpleasant to take neilmed? Will it taste horrible in your mouth and feel strange in your sinus? Is it best not to take after meals?

NeilMed Sinus Rinse is not at all unpleasant. If the procedure is done correctly, solution should not enter your mouth. However, at times a small amount of solution reaches the back of the throat and this can simply be spit out. The solution is a saline solution, so it can have a similar taste to salt water you may have tasted while swimming in an ocean. The feeling may be new at first, but most users say they get accustomed to it very quickly. There is no harm in taking it either before or after meals as it is a drug-free product. You can use Sinus Rinse any time of day, though we recommend using at least one hour prior to bedtime to avoid post nasal drainage while lying down in bed.