I will be traveling in China for 2 months this summer. I will not have access to sterile warm or hot water much of the time so regular use of the sinu

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Jan 01, 2019 12:03 AM 1 Answers Headache, Hypertension, Blood Pressure, Heart Disease
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I will be traveling in China for 2 months this summer. I will not have access to sterile warm or hot water much of the time so regular use of the sinus rinse will not be possible. Which would be a better substitute for the twice daily rinses - gel o

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

You can take several bottles of our SinuFlo Ready Rinse or NasaMist All-in-one with you on your trip for true large volume nasal irrigation. The NasaMist saline spray will give you extra moisture and the NasoGel, which contains sodium hyaluronate and aloe vera, will also lubricate dry nasal passages. Neither of these last two products replace large volume sinus rinsing.

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