I was given a professional sample from a friend. This works wonders. What is the difference between isotonic and hypotonic? I have severe allergies wh
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I was given a professional sample from a friend. This works wonders. What is the difference between isotonic and hypotonic? I have severe allergies where prescriptions usually just poorly mask the symptom rather then eliminating the cause. I am hoping to get off the medication.
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We do not make or recommend a hypotonic solution, which would cause a lot of burning. The hypertonic packet is equivalent to two isotonic packets when mixed with 240 mL of (distilled, filtered [through 0.2 micron], previously boiled) water. This is double the strength. For further information on the difference between Isotonic & Hypertonic please visit http://www.neilmed.com/common/hypertonic.htmlPlease always follow the advice of your physician.