I used this on Saturday. It went up into the sinus cavity above my head and burned so bad. (no the water wasnt hot – I use distilled water) It never
I used this on Saturday. It went up into the sinus cavity above my head and burned so bad. (no the water wasnt hot - I use distilled water) It never did come out the other nostril. Im using at the suggestion of my ENT.

Is one side of your nose completely blocked? If so, the rinse can come back out the same side of the nose. If not, then perhaps the issue is more positional. If that is the case, please follow the directions in the brochure or watch our video and you should be fine. You can also call customer service at 1-877-477-8633 for telephone assistance on the proper procedure for Sinus Rinse.The most likely cause of the burning is that you did not mix the solution completely and created an uneven mixture. Too much or little salt can cause pain. Please make sure you use the specified amount of warm (distilled, filtered [through 0.2 micron] or previously boiled) water for the packet.